Jul 31, 2024
The spinosaurs get all the love (OK, mostly hate) and attention when it comes to the megalosauroids, but they are but one weird branch of this group of theropods. Sadly they have a similar problem to the spinosaurs in that there are annoyingly few fossils of them, and there’s very few people working on these...
Feb 28, 2024
We don’t often delve into the Triassic since Dave is not well versed in that time and the animals that were around then, but there were some very important animals that we’ve unduly overlooked across the last 9 series. Happily, today we can redress a large part of that with this episode on Coelophysis. Known from...
Nov 29, 2023
Longtime listeners will be familiar with the fact that Dave has spent a lot of time looking at and working on various bites marks on dinosaur bones left by the carnivorous theropods. These can tell us an enormous amount about who was doing what to whom and what it can mean for the ecology and behaviour of both...
Oct 12, 2022
Theropod jaw biomechanics with Manabu Sakamoto
We are still going! We are back and like last series, we’re taking a bit of a different tack to the previous ones and here we are having experts on every episode in a desperate attempt to make up for Dave’s quite profound lack of knowledge in numerous areas of dinosaur...
Mar 16, 2022
From a micro dinosaur to the very smallest, this time out we’re looking at the little alvarezsaurs which include the smallest of the non-avian dinosaurs and with several species that were the tiniest yet found in the Mesozoic. Dr Steve Cross joins us to analyse a popular work of dinosaur fiction.